About Us

Fattoria della Gente: Farmers and Animals
Owners John and Jennifer Riedell moved to Ashuelot, NH, in 2017 from the Big City of Worcester, MA. Their goal was to get some space and expand their earth-friendly planting into a full-fledged farm. As planting beds expanded, so has our population, including ducks, geese, chickens, and bees.
Benvenuto a casa!
The Farmers
Jawn has retired after 20+ years in the US Air Force, and spends his time in creative pursuits now. He is an avid photographer, and a keen ability to bend the very earth to his will.
John Riedell
Lead Agriculture; He/him
Jenn started working remotely before it was cool, and spends the day as a healthcare training specialist. When not talking about Medicare/Medicaid, they enjoy researching genealogy.
Jenn Riedell
Lead Animal Wrangler; They/them
The Ducks
The Girls – Alpha, Bravo, Delta, and Stefano, are Khaki Campbells and joined the farm in Spring 2018. They are quite pleased with their drake-free life, and their eggs are delicious!!
The Geese
Gander Kirk and his girls Spock and McCoy are Emden Geese and joined the farm in Spring 2019. Kirk is fond of Jawn, but not anyone else. Their eggs are HUGE!!
The Chickens
Joan Jett and the Blackhens (with their Rooster/Manager Blackula) are Black Ameraucanas who joined in Spring 2020. They are still freeloading.
The Dog
Therese Blondi von der Hainstadt (Blondi) joined the farm in Winter 2018. She is Very Enthusiastic about security, even if she’s not positive where her territory ends.
The Bees
We have been beekeeping since 2018 – with “keeping” being the operative word. We have harvested some honey, and hope to continue in the future. Each hive is painted in the flags of our ancestors!
The Cats
Sascha the Elder (c.2007) and Temmy the Hunter (c.2016) reigned over the house before The Dog arrived. Today, their hobbies are annoying Dob (Sascha) and bringing Jenn live mice (Temmy).
The House Rabbit
AJ moved in with us in Summer 2017 – our first experience with a house rabbit. We understand that all house rabbits might not be as awesome as he is. AJ is litter trained, runs over for pets, and has an unrequited crush on Temmy.
The Parrot
Peanut joined the household in Winter 2016 after his first owner experienced some health issues. He is a Rainbow Lorikeet – a nectar-eating parrotlet native to Austrailia. Peanut has adapted well to New England, and enjoys maple (syrup) sap.
Interested in checking out the farm or ordering one of our products? Email Jenn at Jenn@fattoriadellagente.com to get started!